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Thanks! I just wrote a comment that got completely wiped out, so I'll try this again - shorter this time.

Here's some interesting questions that deserve consideration when thinking about buyouts and relocation:

- The role of money. Often buyout managers and emergency managers in general treat money as a resource that comes from the government, and that's the effective end of it. But real estate, finance, insurance, all profoundly shape our communities and how buyouts work - or don't.

- Silo-ization. I don't think I'll ever forget the phrase "stay in your lane" while I was at FEMA a decade ago. There's an internal logic to it, but in terms of communities outside of the bureaucracy, that phrase is poison. People want contacts who understand the range of buyout funding sources, of laws and regs, and who can creatively put programs together based on what is best for the community, regardless of agency turf. How can we help make this happen?

- What we talk about when we talk about climate change. There is no longer any legitimate debate on the reality of climate change. But there is a whole lot of debate and lack of clarity on what that means. How does it work? Why do people keep talking about two degrees or parts per million, and what difference does that make to an emergency manager thinking about keeping his or her community safe? How we talk and think about things makes all the difference in how we can prepare.

Thank you!

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