When planning for major events such as the Super Bowl, New Years’ Eve in New York City, and the Pasadena Rose Bowl Parade. Incident Management Teams are the most helpful way to make these happen. Join Todd as he explores how IMTs are used across the county and why you should use them too.
Todd DeVoe
Twitter handle: https://twitter.com/ToddTDeVoe
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/toddtdevoe/
Substack: https://emnetwork.substack.com/
Website: https://toddtdevoe.com/
Troy R Lutrick
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/.../troy-r-lutrick-cem-cpm-nrp.../
The Todd DeVoe Show
Hear from the widest range of voices in Private, Non-Profit, and Public Service Leadership. Every week, join Todd DeVoe, as he explores leadership challenges, ideas, and principles with thought leaders, thinkers, writers, policymakers, and those that make things happen.
Hear from the widest range of voices in Private, Non-Profit, and Public Service Leadership. Every week, join Todd DeVoe, as he explores leadership challenges, ideas, and principles with thought leaders, thinkers, writers, policymakers, and those that make things happen.Listen on
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