Emergency Management is a highly diverse career field with a favorably projected future job growth. There is no clearly defined pathway for becoming an emergency manager and why are people moving to emergency management? Because there are opportunities in public service at all levels of government and a variety of sectors, including education, healthcare, and private business. Today, we explore emergency management as a second career with Jill Caputi and Cassie Nanoff.
Todd DeVoe
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Cassie Nanoff - LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/cassondrananoff/
Jill Caputi - LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jill-caputi/
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Climb and Lift: Emergency Management as a Second Career
Climb and Lift: Emergency Management as a Second Career
May 19, 2022
The Todd DeVoe Show
Hear from the widest range of voices in Private, Non-Profit, and Public Service Leadership. Every week, join Todd DeVoe, as he explores leadership challenges, ideas, and principles with thought leaders, thinkers, writers, policymakers, and those that make things happen.
Hear from the widest range of voices in Private, Non-Profit, and Public Service Leadership. Every week, join Todd DeVoe, as he explores leadership challenges, ideas, and principles with thought leaders, thinkers, writers, policymakers, and those that make things happen.Listen on
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Climb and Lift: Emergency Management as a Second Career